MVE 1536PD Dry Shipper

The Chart MVE 1536PD is specifically designed to ship large volumes of cryogenic samples and relocate biorepositories.

It has a capacity of 36,400 2 ml vials and can hold a cryogenic temperature for up to 20 days in liquid nitrogen vapour phase. Using Chart MVE’s Advanced QWick technology the shipper can be fully charged in under 2 hours.

Note: Core has a MVE 1536PD Dry Shipper available for rent.  To learn more click here.

  • Large sample capacity
  • 20 day hold time
  • Designed to fit in a wide-body aircraft
  • Easy to move with pallet jack or forklift
  • Data logging
  • Can be decontaminated after use if necessary

Chart MVE 1536PD Dry Shipper Specs

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